A Labyrinth is an alternate reality game developed at the University of Chicago during the COVID-19 pandemic. On April 6, 2020, A Labyrinth began with an opening puzzle that unlocked the main part of the game and attracted approximately 3,500 players.
A week later, on April 13, the Fourcasters welcomed 73 core teams to compete by completing 140 quests. Teams met on a shared Slack channel. Alongside the competitive aspect, the game had a parallel collaborative dimension. Via the Twitch live streaming platform, players were invited to explore the alternative space-time known as Labyrinth. Once a week, players helped the Taur locate key hubs and hidden objects as they tried to make it back to the center of Labyrinth where the Taur usually resides. They succeeded in this objective and saw the Labyrinth transform in an unprecedented way.
On May 13, the game concluded with over 800 quests being submitted by participating teams.