Thank you for playing A Labyrinth!

Dear players,

We know this period of COVID-19 has not been easy for anyone. We’ve also missed seeing you in person and having the privilege to learn together. Despite these challenges, we’ve also been impressed by the incredible creativity of the extended University of Chicago community during this time.

From mid-April until mid-May 2020, you have received 140 unique quests and sent in 800+ submissions. You can see some of those creative films, images, and textual documents in the gallery. In four sessions, you also traversed the Labyrinth via the Twitch live streaming platform. You’ve given us confidence about the power of the imagination amidst crisis and we hope your teams gained something worthwhile in this experience.

Thank you for playing with us and see you again soon our Labyrinth.

Core Team

Heidi Coleman
Marc Downie
Patrick Jagoda
Ben Kolak
Jeffrey Levin
Kristen Schilt
Ashlyn Sparrow
Sandy Weisz

Student Interns

Efraim Dahl
Ashby deButts
Sami Elahi
Jersey Fonseca
Peter Forberg
Kellie Lu
Briana Morales
Sam Schwartz
Alvin Shi
Camrick Solorio

Associated Courses

Games-based Improvisation in Alternate Reality Games (Heidi Coleman)
New Media at a Distance (Marc Downie)