You unlocked
Instrumental Interlude
- You have activated one of the four hub locations at Cobb! Write and perform 2 songs that are part of the musical theater production: Fourcasters: The Musical! A few conditions and constraints:
- Tour team members should write all of the songs.
- You can recruit family members or pod mates you are living with during this shelter-in-place, who are not part of your team, to perform the musical numbers (alone or with team members).
- The songs can be about A Labyrinth, players of A Labyrinth, the history of the Fourcast Lab, or any other related element.
- The songs should be accessible to an audience that is not intimately familiar with these topics, but you can focus on the extended University of Chicago community.
Submit a link to the audio or video files of your songs (a YouTube or Vimeo link if you feel comfortable sharing your songs more broadly). The 4 most impressive musicals will receive bonus points. All submissions that meet the criteria above will receive 4 quest points.